Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Miracles: Fruit for the Soul

How we feel depends on what we see and how we think. The next time you find yourself feeling dark, angry or depressed, eat a piece of fruit.  Don't just eat the fruit, contemplate it. 

The next time you eat a piece of fruit, think about the one who planted the tree. Imagine the dirt under the farmer's fingernails and the sweat on his brow.  Contemplate this person's labor of love. Then, think about the one who harvested the fruit, so that you may not go hungry. It is back-breaking labor. It doesn't matter whether or not the picker speaks your language; he hungers, thirsts and aches just like you. 

Now, dig a little deeper. Contemplate the seeds inside the fruit, before you discard them. Inside a single seed, lies a brilliant code ~ a code that possesses the ability to reproduce not one piece of fruit, but an infinite amount of trees and fruit.

Now, dwell on the blossom. There would be no fruit without the existence of bees. Contemplate  the honey bee and how, only by its' coded instinct, does it seek out the pollen in the blossom. Driven by hunger, the bee leaves the safety of the hive to seek out what it needs to exist. It collects the yellow dust, returns to the hive and converts it to honey.  It does so, so that no bees will starve. The blossom needs the bee, as does the bee need the blossom.  The blossom must first be sought out and fertilized, before fruit can emerge.  Fruit emerges so that no man may go hungry.

Contemplate the most important factor: the sun.  The seed seeks the light. Without light, there would be no tree, no fruit, no blossoms, no bees or honey.  Without light, there would be no life.

The fruit may nourish my body, but contemplating it nourishes my soul.  I am a seed. Once filled with anger, I hungered for the light. I now know that without it, I would not be.  That is why, I believe, we need to feel dark, depressed or angry at times.  The duality of life reminds us that, without periods of darkness, we would neither recognize or seek the light. 

I believe this life, this world is not a happy accident. I marvel in the miracles, so that the light will seek me.  And, I am at peace.